You have misquoted Genesis

by Anonymous

You have misquoted Genesis.

The word Nephilim is not mentioned once in the entire book of Genesis !

You said:

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."
Genesis 6:4

Genesis says: "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." - go read it for yourself AND THEN PLEASE CORRECT THIS QUOTE AS YOU ARE ADDING WORDS TO THE BIBLE.

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Oct 22, 2022
Take a second look
by: TruePath

Read the book of Enoch start with chapter 6 and keep reading. It is important to read all the books of the bible to get the correct understanding of the word of God. This book explains in depth about these angels their names and what they are responsible for teaching. And the punishment that was issued for coming into the daughter's of man. It is severe. Stay woke

Nov 12, 2021
Tyndale is a false doctorine
by: Anonymous

Tyndale was not the first translation of the English Bible and William Tyndale before even writing his version was rejected by Oxford and the Catholic church for his heretical ideas and points of views. If you actually look into William Tyndale he was only a mediocre scholar and there was already English translations of the Bible that already existed and accepted and agreed to be correct interpretation. If they wanted a new translation of the bible he would not be chosen. He however went ahead and translated his own version intentionally miss-interpreted the bible in spite of the Catholic church. Over 2000 mis-interpretations have been found.
He was later on down the track executed. Not for translating the bible but for translating the bible and international miss-interpreting the bible creating a false doctorine. The king at the time even said that the Tyndale Bible is an abomination and is to be abolished. It then became illigal to have a Tyndale Bible. Again I'd like to clarify the Tyndale Bible was not the first translation and William Tyndale did not die a hero but a heretic who hated the Catholic church for rejecting his heretical ideas. Also the king James version of the bible definitely did not come from the Tyndale Bible. For all those Tyndale lover out there actually look into the history and you will see that all your reading a false doctorine.

Nov 12, 2021
Nephalim are Giants, Sons of God are Angels
by: Anonymous

When it says the Sons of God it is not refering to the Nephalim (giants) or earthly men its refering to Angels. There were angels who left there post and came in unto the daughters of Man who are earthly woman. Basically some angels had pride and desired earthly woman, they rebelled against God and had sex with the Woman. The woman then bore children who grew to be giants also known as Nephalim. God then sent the flood to destroy the giants and the corruption upon the earth. Noah and is family's blood line was still pure and not tainted by Nephalim DNA but because they took wives for themselves the Nephalim DNA still survived for a while and Giants were once again birthed. Over time the giants were killed off and the Giants DNA no longer continued to be passed on. This explains why Goliath was around in the days of David who became King David. Goliath's Mother and Father didn't have to be giants they only had to carry the Nephalim gene that was passed down the hereditary tree from Noah's children's wives.

Im also aware that some people believe that Sons of God has to do with the children of Seth desiring the daughters of Cane and that they are the sons of God but that's not true.

In job it refers to the angels as Sons of God

Job 1:6
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.
Gen 6:4
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

The book of Enoch also goes onto support Nephalim being Giants and the Sona of God being Angels.😁👌

Feb 08, 2019
You have misquoted Genesis
by: Anonymous

My Question is: how is that in all translations it says, "there were Giants in the land Or Nephilim, whichever, and then it says, "and also after that when the Sons of God went into the daughters of men." if the Nephilim were the sons of God why does it then differentiate calling them sons of God? If they were the same persons wouldn't it say, "there were Nephilim and also after that they"?

also if these were tall giants as many claim they are... these women had to be very big too or else this intermixing would cause major pain and almost destruction.

also, Never heard of an angel or watcher having sex.... people wanted to have sex with them, but that's the perversion of man.

and also when exactly did Enoch write the book of Enoch?

Aug 31, 2017
Really ?
by: Anonymous

I mean really ?
How is it that people I talked to who are the staunchly Christian, don't know anything about the book they set their lives and souls by ? If I were going to devote myself to something in such an all or nothing manner I would at least understand it.
I probably have researched it better than most " christians " because I actually believe in a search for god and truth. But not in a religion or dogma. The king James is a translation, the Bible was originally in Hebrew, and then Latin, then German, its English translation is historically new by comparison. To be so ignorant of that fact stating things like " nephilim is never mentioned " and so adamantly ignorant too .
How is anyone suppose to take people like you serious ? Yeah you sure are righteous.....self righteous !

Aug 31, 2017
Really ?
by: Anonymous

I mean really ?
How is it that people I talked to who are the staunchly Christian, don't know anything about the book they set their lives and souls by ? If I were going to devote myself to something in such an all or nothing manner I would at least understand it.
I probably have researched it better than most " christians " because I actually believe in a search for god and truth. But not in a religion or dogma. The king James is a translation, the Bible was originally in Hebrew, and then Latin, then German, its English translation is historically new by comparison. To be so ignorant of that fact stating things like " nephilim is never mentioned " and so adamantly ignorant too .
How is anyone suppose to take people like you serious ? Yeah you sure are righteous.....self righteous !

Sep 05, 2014
Genesis 6:4
by: Anonymous

The Word was intentionally replaced when the KJV was created!
The KJV bible was created from the Tyndale Bible but this word was changed, for what reason? who knows...

Tyndale Bible
Genesis 6:4 There were TIRANTES in the world in thos dayes. For after that the children of God had gone in vnto the doughters of men and had begotten them childern the same childern were the mightiest of the world and men of renowne

Genesis 6:4 There were GIANTS in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Feb 27, 2012
Angels & the Nephilim
by: Anonymous

See my new comment below before reading this one. The main point that I was trying to make however is that Nephilim (Hebrew), or "giants" (mistraslated in KJV) are NOT angels or half angels. The are translated as "tyrants" or bullies in the Hebrew (Strongs and Easton's) and may have been large in size as well, however not necesarily large enough to be concidered "giants". The word more precisely translated actually means "violent" - no link to "angels" or demons whatsoever ! - see my new comment below.

Feb 27, 2012
Nephilim Is Not An English Word
by: Anonymous

Who says I had an "angry" reply? Yes, I wrongly assumed the author was misquoting the King James, which is the, until quite recently, most widely used English Bible, and Nephilim doesn't appear in the English King James since it is a Hebrew word.

However, in the same way technically Nephilim shouldn't appear as Nephilim (a Hebrew word) in ANY English Bible, unless there is no English equivalent. However, there is an English equivalent which is "tyrant".

According to Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary, "giants" as appearing in the King James Version is: "Heb. nephilim, meaning "violent" or "causing to fall" #Ge 6:4 These were the violent tyrants of those days, those who fell upon others."

Strong Exhaustive concordance more or less agrees with "tyrant" when translating the Hebrew word Nephilim into English.

So, technically, if your entire verse was quoted in Hebrew and included the Hebrew word "Nephilim" then that would have been fine, however, that was not the case and therefore you did misquote, or rather mis-translate the English form of Genesis. The whole point of having an English translation of the Bible is to understand what the Hebrew words mean, and how can that happen if you unnecessarily leave some of them in the original Hebrew?

We only need to go into the Hebrew to double check a suspected English mistranslation or to know how to pronounce the true (Hebrew) name of The Father, Son or Holy Ghost.

Feb 25, 2012
The Nephilim
by: Anonymous

The writer of this comment has read from a bible of his own choosing, and therefore should be forgiven for this angry reply that the passage in Genesis is a misquote. Below is a quote from the Hebrew Bible, where the original text is still maintained without the English misquotes found in many Bibles today. The Nephilim (Nefelim) are definitely quoted in that text.

1 In time, when men began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were attractive; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. 3 ADONAI said, "My Spirit will not live in human beings forever, for they too are flesh; therefore their life span is to be 120 years." 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; these were the ancient heroes, men of renown.

Feb 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

In the King James version the word is not used, but I do agree TO A CERTAIN EXTENT with you. The word Nephilim is a Hebrew word and it was translated into the English word "giants" by the KJV.

However, look up giants in the original Hebrew in Strongs concordance with Hebrew Chaldee and Greek dictionaries (by Riverside - maroon/red in colour, hard cover, very thick book) - it will give you Nephil, or Nephilum, but the meaning is shown as "tyrant, bully, etc." It was nothing more that that, if you are interpreting Genesis.

I cant comment too much on the book of Enoch, which I am very skeptical of.

Feb 11, 2012
by: David Sheriff

In my English copy of the Bible, and also my Portuguese Bible, of course it mentions Nephelim in Genesis 6, also the Book of Numbers & also in Revelations.....I will photograph it for you if you do not believe me.

DNA shows that the Black tribes of Sth Africa were the first humans on this planet.

The Book of Genesis is copied from the much earlier Enuma Elish.

Feb 11, 2012
by: Anonymous

The father of Cain was NOT Adam ! Nowhere is Adam's geneology is Cain listed, although Cain is a son of Eve. The father of Cain was either Satan himself or a person or race that was inspired by Satan to do wrong by inter-marrying with the sons of God. The serpent was called a serpent because he spoke with a hiss or whisper and was very devious and persuasive. It was unlikely to be Satan himself, just like the so-called Nephilim are not literally half angels.

(You misquoted Genesis in an article on the Nephilim)

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."

In Genesis 6:4 Genesis does not use the word Nephilim. It ACTUALLY says: "There were GIANTS in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." - go read it for yourself AND THEN PLEASE CORRECT THIS QUOTE AS YOU ARE ADDING WORDS TO THE BIBLE.)

Giants simply means tyrants, or powerful ruthless leaders/kings who jut TAKE what they want. Look it up in the Hebrew language (Strongs Exhaustive Corcordance of the Bible).

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